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5 Facts Every Executive Should Know About Mobile Security & Mobile Threats​

Today, employee mobility is critical for enterprise productivity. Mobile devices, the networks they use and apps are critical success factors to satisfy customers, collaborate more effectively with suppliers, and keep employees productive anytime and anywhere.

This connectivity opens the door to an entirely new category of security threats – Mobile Cyber Attacks. That’s why mobile device security and risk management is essential to any digital enterprise.

Firstly, you’re not the only one in this boat.

Secondly, you won’t get it right immediately and every time, no matter how many marketing guides you read.

But, you will get better as you do it and you practice it and get more familiar with the ins and outs of digital marketing. 

“The revised Payment Services Directive, also known as PSD2, pays a lot of attention to the security of mobile banking apps, mobile payment apps, mobile wallets, and other apps that offer payment functionality.” Security Boulevard, July, 2018
